Meghan Kavalauskas » Mrs. Meghan Kavalauskas

Mrs. Meghan Kavalauskas

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Hi everyone! My name is Meghan Kavalauskas, and I have been a Bobcat since 2016. I have been teaching since 2006 and still love every minute of my job! Even in remote learning during a pandemic! I truly think I am so lucky to do what I love everyday -- teach high school English! I attended the University of Iowa and then the University of Illinois at Chicago for my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Before college, I grew up in Evergreen Park -- a community just south and a little west of Back of the Yards. Since then, I have lived in a few different neighborhoods around Chicago but always on the southside. I currently live in the Beverly area not far from school. 
In the last few years my life has changed so much! In 2018, I got married. In 2019, we bought a house. And this year, I had a beautiful baby boy, Patrick, in the middle of the pandemic (quite the experience...). I consider myself so blessed because of the amazing family and friends I have. Life is so much more fun when you experience it with people you love! Before the marriage and baby, I traveled a ton and plan on continuing that past time! From spending the summer studying abroad in Amsterdam to traveling southeast Asia, I am always up for a new experience and learning about other cultures. My husband and I can't wait to take my son around the world!
Here at BOYCP, I teach AP Language & Composition and Young Adult Literature. Two very different but awesome courses that aim to make students better readers, writers, and communicators. Click on my classes to see the syllabus and more details!