Middle Years Programme

All 9th and 10th grade students at Back of the Yards College Preparatory High School are automatically enrolled in our IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).
The MYP is a student-centered, inquiry-based, international-minded approach to education. At BOYCP, through the implementation of the MYP, we strive to mold students into independent thinkers who influence the world around them, both locally or globally. All Freshmen (year 4) and sophomores (year 5) are IB MYP students.
If you have any questions, please email our MYP Coordinator, Mrs. Smith - [email protected]

All freshman and sophomore classes are IB MYP classes. All students take:

Arts: Students can choose photography, sculpture, drawing and painting, film and animation, band, electronic music, choir, or dance.
Individuals and Societies: Year 4 (freshmen) take World Studies and Year 5 (sophomores) take US History.
Language acquisition: Students can choose Spanish or French. Based on a placement test, some students will have the opportunity to take Spanish or French for new learners, Spanish for heritage speakers, AP Spanish Language and Culture, or AP Spanish Literature and Culture.
Language and literature (English): All MYP students take an English class each year.
Mathematics: Students are placed into Algebra or Geometry based on their 8th grade algebra placement test.
Physical and Health Education: All MYP students take a Physical and Health Education course each year.
Science: Year 4 (freshmen) students take Physics, and Year 5 (sophomores) students take Chemistry.

Why the Middle Years Programme?

Parents who want the best possible education for their children choose the MYP because it includes:
- rigorous learning objectives
- a student-centered approach to teaching
- international perspectives
- concern for the whole child
- sustained teaching and learning in more than one language
- a focus on learning how to learn
- the development of flexible thinking that prepares students to evaluate information critically and apply knowledge in complex, unfamiliar situations.
In this video, The IB Organization explains the Middle Years Programme, showcasing the MYP around the world:
The MYP teaches tools for lifelong learning and fosters responsible attitudes that help students discover how to use what they learn to take principled action. The MYP’s focus on independent learning makes it the ideal preparation for the IB Diploma Programme (DP) and the IB Career-related Programme (CP).
MYP Program Info
MYP Courses
School Policies
MYP Coordinator
Mrs. Katie Smith,
DP/CP Coordinator
Mrs. Dawn Cox,